Sizing Up Wearable Tech and IoT in the Enterprise

February 19, 2015 from 03:00 PM – 04:00 PM UTC

Much like smartphones and tablets impacted mobility and productivity in the workplace through BYOD, wearable technology is on the cusp of its own paradigm shifting moment for the enterprise.

As the market matures and wearables continue to become increasingly equipped with business function capabilities (Apps, Email, Messaging, Calendars, NFC), organizations need to understand how to protect their data without putting themselves at serious security disadvantage – and they have to start now.

Join Wearable Tech experts Frank Schloendorn, IBM Director of Quality Assurance, and Det Ansinn, Owner of Bricksimple LLC, as they highlight must know information on wearable tech trends, explore how Apple Watch will impact the enterprise, and provide you with an in-depth look at the role of the Internet of Things (IoT) in business!

Find out how your organization will be impacted by wearables and the IoT and learn how you can prepare by:

• Assessing wearable tech risks and how to protect your corporate data
• Addressing the rise of Bluetooth requests for enterprise apps
• Examining the Mobile Device Management capabilities for Wearable Devices
• Sharing valuable use cases on how wearables can be leveraged in the workplace

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