Engin Kirda
Professor, Northeastern University / Lastline Inc.
In addition to being co-founder and chief architect at Lastline, Engin Kirda is a Professor at the Northeastern University in Boston, and the director of the Northeastern Information Assurance Institute. Before that, he has held faculty positions at Institute Eurecom in the French Riviera and the Technical University of Vienna where he co-founded the Secure Systems Lab that is now distributed over five institutions in Europe and US. Engin's recent research has focused on malware analysis (e.g., Anubis, Exposure, Fire) and detection, web application security, and practical aspects of social networking security. His recent work on the deanonymization of social network users received wide media coverage. He co- authored more than 90 peer-reviewed scholarly publications and served on program committees of numerous well-known international conferences and workshops. In 2009, Engin was the Program Chair of the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID), in 2010/11, Program Chair of the European Workshop on Systems Security (Eurosec), and is the Program Chair of the well-known USENIX Workshop on Large Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats in 2012. In the past, Engin has consulted the European Commission on emerging threats, and recently gave a Congressional Briefing in Washington D.C. on advanced malware attacks and cyber-security.