Yasar Yuzer

Associate Partner & Cyber Threat Management Services Leader, IBM Consulting Cybersecurity Services
Yasar Yuzer leads Cyber Threat Management Services for IBM Consulting in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He has proven experience in cybersecurity for over a decade in both consulting and CISO roles. He started his professional career as a management trainee within Lufthansa German Airlines. After passing through various global positions for the Airline, Yasar became Group IT Manager and finally Chief Information Security Officer for the entire Contact & Service Center Network of Lufthansa, leading a very complex multinational operation across 6 continents. In 2015 he was hired to help build up PwC Turkey's Cybersecurity & Privacy practice and supported the establishment of the Cyber Defense Advisory practice for PwC Germany which he led until 2020. Prior to joining IBM, Yasar was leading the Cybersecurity Advisory practice for Mastercard in Europe.
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