Gartner Identity and Access Management (IAM) Summit

November 29, 2016 – December 1, 2016
Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas, NV

Are you interested in learning how to tackle complex issues and generate new ideas to bring your IAM strategy into the digital age? At the 2016 Gartner Identity & Access Management Summit in Las Vegas you’ll hear about the latest tactics and best practices across IAM fundamentals and have the opportunity to look ahead at analytics-driven automation and advances in consumer engagement platforms.

Whether you’re launching a new program or advancing existing capabilities, you’ll find the information you need to deliver security, agility and greater business value — and prepare for the future of IAM.

IBM is proud to be a premier exhibitor of this year’s Gartner IAM Summit. Visit us at booth 301 or attend one of the below speaking sessions to learn more.

Security Starts with People
Speaker: Jason Keenaghan, Program Director, Offering Management, IAM & z Systems Security
Date: Wednesday, November 30 Time: 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM
Room: August III
Securing people starts with identity and access management. Every organization must answer two seemingly simple questions about their users: “Who are they” and “What are they doing?” But in practice, stolen credentials make it difficult to detect criminals masquerading as employees. Even properly authenticated users can become malicious insiders. Attend this lively discussion with IBM experts to learn how the right IAM security expertise, actionable intelligence and technologies can help you secure your organization.

The 6 Things Every CISO Needs to Know about IDaaS
Speaker: Eric Maass, Director, Cloud IAM Strategy, IBM Security
Date: Tuesday, November 29 Time: 11:45 AM – 12:15 PM
Room: Octavius 7
CISOs who have adopted enterprise level IDaaS are describing it as a game changer for their organization. But, common misunderstandings and even myths about cloud-based IAM are prevalent. Having spent almost a decade helping C-level professionals effectively adopt cloud IAM, IBM’s Eric Maass has cut through the clutter and identified the top 6 things every CISO needs to know about IDaaS. This is a must-attend lunch if you are a CISO, CIO or CTO.

Learn more and register to attend

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