Webinar: Ready for CCPA? Strategies to help you prepare for CCPA Compliance Now

October 30, 2019 from 03:00 PM – 04:00 PM UTC

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is right around the corner, and it will apply to a state that represents the world’s fifth-largest economy. In this webinar hear real-world insights and strategies to help organizations as you prepare for the CCPA. The session will discuss planning and scope, understanding your data landscape, assessing risk, prioritizing and operationalizing remediation efforts and planning for the emerging privacy landscape.  What you’ll take away:

  • Lessons learned from GDPR and CCPA remediation projects
  • Tips to understand the privacy journey and get started with understanding your obligations
  • Best practice recommendations to help build an effective data governance program
  • Preparing your data privacy strategy and approach to support additional regulations
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Leigh Feldman

Managing Director, Head of U.S. Privacy at Promontory Financial Group

Cindy Compert

Distinguished Engineer and CTO Security & Privacy

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