This podcast is the fourth in a six-part series examining the difficult task of securing resources for IT and security needs. In each episode, John Dickson, principal and co-founder at Denim Group, will discuss challenges and share recommendations for how chief information security officers (CISOs) should approach the task of obtaining budget.
Given the many differences between security leaders and business executives (discussed in more detail in episode 2 of this series), CISOs must be deliberate in their efforts to cultivate credibility. Those who approach the executive team only to ask for money or when a crisis is underway are less likely to have their requests met.
This episode of the “CISO’s Guide to Obtaining Budget” podcast series details how a CISO should build his or her reputation over time and absent of any major demands. Key recommendations include setting up a regular cadence of meetings with relevant executives to discuss business issues and managing security training exercises to demonstrate your expertise and understanding of business risks.
Visit the IBM website to discover what’s impacting today’s CISO, and be sure to listen to the other episodes in this six-part podcast series.
Listen to the complete podcast series: A CISO’s Guide to Obtaining Budget