
Better Than Mr. Robot: Penetration Testing with X-Force Red

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Sep 19, 2017
11 minutes


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Better Than Mr. Robot: Penetration Testing with X-Force Red
September 19, 2017
| |
< 1 min read

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In the latest episode of our ongoing podcast series featuring members of the IBM X-Force Red elite penetration testing team, North American Regional Lead Steve Ocepek offers a glimpse into the world of white hat hacking.

All hackers, including the good guys, have elements of their jobs that are not to be divulged. But while he can’t reveal all the tricks of the trade, Steve does discuss how the X-Force Red brand has grown and evolved over the past year, what makes an ideal candidate to join the team and why X-Force Red takes a collaborative, team-oriented approach to pen testing.

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Learn more about IBM X-Force Red Services and Register for a Demo

If you enjoyed this podcast, don’t miss our previous episodes with Steve’s X-Force Red colleagues, Space Rogue and EvilMog.

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