April 15, 2015 Redirect to SMB Vulnerability: 18-Year-Old Flaw Morphs Into Huge Threat to Windows Machines 2 min read - Researchers say an old SMB vulnerability in Windows can be used to steal login credentials and take over some systems entirely using malicious URLs.
April 14, 2015 Gartner: IBM Security Growth Outpacing the Overall Security Software Market < 1 min read - The growth of IBM Security is outpacing the overall security software market by nearly three times, according to a recently released report from Gartner.
April 13, 2015 Filing Taxes Online? Take a Pass on Public Wi-Fi 2 min read - Americans filing taxes online should avoid doing so over public Wi-Fi networks so they aren't the next victims of cybercriminal activity.
April 13, 2015 AlienSpy RAT Spreads Internationally, Evades Antivirus Detection 2 min read - A research advisory says the AlienSpy RAT is deploying the Citadel malware across financial institutions and stealing data in other organizations.
April 13, 2015 WordPress Plugin Vulnerability Puts an Estimated 1 Million Sites at Risk of XSS Attacks 2 min read - A WordPress plugin vulnerability related to WP Super Cache could let cybercriminals create back doors, add new administrators or worse, experts say.
April 10, 2015 Fake Government Websites Tricking Victims Into Surrendering PII 2 min read - According to the FBI, Americans are being tricked into giving up their personally identifiable information through fake government websites.
April 10, 2015 FFIEC Warns Banks of Malware Attacks, Credential Theft 3 min read - Banks face serious risk from sophisticated malware and credential-stealing attacks, according to a recent alert from the FFIEC to financial institutions.
April 9, 2015 Security Flaw Pushes Mozilla to Disable Firefox Opportunistic Encryption Capability 2 min read - According to Mozilla, it has disabled its Firefox opportunistic encryption capability after a security flaw that allowed for MitM attacks was discovered.
April 8, 2015 CrypVault Ransomware Locks Out PCs, Demands Payment While Stealing Passwords 2 min read - Researchers say a new strain of ransomware called CrypVault is locking out computer users in a way that resembles antivirus software and demands payment.
April 7, 2015 BitTorrent Vulnerability Discovered as Sync Service Exits Beta 2 min read - A research advisory suggests cybercriminals could have exploited a BitTorrent vulnerability to include executable code via URLs in its Sync service.