February 26, 2015 Researchers: Adtrustmedia’s PrivDog Advertising Software Leaves Some Users at Risk 2 min read - PrivDog, the advertising software offered by Adtrustmedia, may be breaking SSL security in ways that compromise user security.
February 26, 2015 Android Malware Hijacks Phone Shutdown Routine 2 min read - An Android malware tool fakes the phone shutdown process to steal data, demonstrating the threats that accompany downloading apps from third-party stores.
February 24, 2015 The Dark Web and Cybersecurity: Let There Be Light? 3 min read - A new report by the Global Commission on Internet Governance discusses the impact of the Dark Web on Internet governance and cybersecurity.
February 23, 2015 Everything You Need to Know About the Lenovo Superfish Adware Incident 2 min read - The Superfish adware has been exposing Lenovo PC users to prying eyes from cybercriminals. Here is a roundup of the essential facts.
February 23, 2015 Commercial Surveillance Tools Being Used as Mobile Malware, Survey Shows 3 min read - Commercially available surveillance tools pose a mobile malware threat to enterprise data, according to a recent report from Lacoon Mobile Security.
February 20, 2015 IRS Warns Taxpayers of Spear Phishing Scam 2 min read - The IRS has warned that cybercriminals are using bogus emails and voicemail messages in a spear phishing scam to steal personal information at tax time.
February 2, 2015 Facebook Trojan Uses Porn, Phony Flash Update to Infect Millions 2 min read - Cybercriminals are using a porn video to tag victims in Facebook posts to fool them into downloading a phony Flash update and spread a malicious Trojan.
January 29, 2015 Google Says Patching Older Android WebView Versions Too Difficult 3 min read - According to Google, patching older Android WebView versions is too difficult because of the sheer amount of code involved in such patches.
January 29, 2015 Wire Payment Scam Uses Email, Phone Calls to Dupe Victims, Authorities Warn 2 min read - A wire payment scam that has surfaced in 45 countries and led to an estimated loss of $215 million so far has prompted warnings from the FBI and IC3.
January 28, 2015 Why Cybersecurity Is Not a Hopeless Cause < 1 min read - Cybersecurity is not a hopeless cause, according to a recent article in the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs by IBM Security GM Brendan Hannigan.