September 6, 2017 By James Murphy 2 min read

Given the increasing volume of connected devices throughout society, Internet of Things (IoT) security should be a key consideration for businesses and consumers alike. Embedded in everything from our homes and cars to commercial and industrial manufacturing, IoT solutions are already providing significant benefits. As a result, IDC expects organizations to increase their IoT investments to an estimated $1.29 trillion by 2020.

Master the Basics of IoT Security

IoT connectivity increases convenience and business value, but it also introduces a larger threat surface and additional attack vectors. As a result, the IoT has unique security requirements and different considerations for security teams when responding to incidents. Companies adopting IoT solutions must master the basics to plan for these risks.

As the value of the IoT surges, it becomes increasingly important to maintain operational integrity in the face of threats. To do so, teams need to understand the specific risks they face and develop a plan to rapidly respond to IoT-related security incidents when they occur.

Bolster Your Immune System

To safely deploy and benefit from the full potential of the IoT, it is critical to put security controls and response actions in place through partnerships with reputable and experienced organizations that have trusted and reliable solutions. It is equally crucial to leverage expert security testers to perform regular and discrete IoT solution testing activities. It’s not enough to simply disconnect all devices to improve IoT security; security teams must implement an adequate incident response plan as part of an overall security immune system.

Additionally, organizations should adopt a cognitive-based IoT security platform that is secure by design. Such solutions collect connected device data and perform analytics in real time, helping security teams gain new insights and driving innovation and transformation.

Orchestrate a Response to IoT Attacks

IoT-related attacks, which often cross the line between cyber incidents and physical threats, are complex and dynamic, making them especially challenging to respond to and resolve. Security leadership can empower their teams by:

  • Developing tested and measurable incident response plans;
  • Enabling cross-organization coordination, communication and collaboration; and
  • Arming analysts with technologies that enable them to make accurate decisions and take action quickly.

An effective incident response platform helps orchestrate people and technologies across the entire response process. A proven and repeatable incident response plan gives security teams the agility, intelligence and efficiency they need to respond to all types of cyberattacks.

Discover how IBM can help your organization create a more secure IoT environment

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