July 6, 2016 Android Encryption Fails Thanks to Qualcomm Chips 2 min read - A security researcher discovered that the Qualcomm-made chips at the center of Android encryption can be exploited in a sophisticated attack.
June 28, 2016 Nuclear EK Shuts Down — What’s the Fallout? 2 min read - Now that both Angler and the Nuclear EK have been shut down, cybercriminals will have to search for a replacement to carry out their attacks.
Endpoint June 2, 2016 Marcher Mobile Bot Adds UK Targets, Steps Up Banking Fraud Capabilities 5 min read - The Marcher mobile bot is a new Android malware targeting a long list of banks around the world with app overlay screens and SMS hijacking.
May 17, 2016 Welcoming Google to the AppConfig Community 2 min read - AppConfig Community now supports Android for Work, sharing best practices for developers to refer to when configuring and securing Android mobile apps.
Malware April 28, 2016 Mobile Malware Competition Rises in Underground Markets 5 min read - The mobile malware market is growing at an impressive rate, giving cybercriminals more options when it comes to infiltrating devices.
April 28, 2016 Infection Minus Interaction? New Android Ransomware Delivers 2 min read - A researcher at Blue Coat Labs observed a new Android ransomware that is able to install itself on user devices without user interaction.
Endpoint March 11, 2016 Mobile Malware GM Bot v2 Released, Price Triples 4 min read - The Android malware known as GM Bot has been updated, and this newest version comes packed with exploits ready to deploy on mobile devices.
March 7, 2016 OpenSSL Keys Are Vulnerable to a Smartphone Listening Exploit 2 min read - A simple hardware listening system can expose the OpenSSL crypto keys used for smartphones to cybercriminals, putting users at risk.
Endpoint February 19, 2016 Android Malware About to Get Worse: GM Bot Source Code Leaked 8 min read - Android malware may become more widespread after one malicious buyer leaked the source code details of GM Bot on underground Web forums.
February 16, 2016 Lockdroid Ransomware Fails Thanks to Google’s Verify Apps 2 min read - At a recent security conference, Google claimed its Verify Apps feature prevented Android users from becoming infected with the Lockdroid ransomware.