Threat Intelligence May 17, 2017 Not-So-Terrible Twos: IBM X-Force Exchange Celebrates Its Second Birthday 3 min read - Since its inception two years ago, the IBM X-Force Exchange has grown into a comprehensive hub for industrywide threat intelligence collaboration.
May 16, 2017 Protect Against the WannaCry Ransomware Attack With IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence With QRadar 4 min read - Organizations affected by the WannaCry ransomware attack can leverage IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence with QRadar to mitigate this unprecedented threat.
Software Vulnerabilities May 16, 2017 Apache Struts 2: A Zero-Day Quick Draw 4 min read - It took fraudsters less than 24 hours after the disclosure of a previously unknown Apache Struts 2 vulnerability to develop a Python script to exploit it.
Malware May 14, 2017 WannaCry Ransomware Spreads Across the Globe, Makes Organizations Wanna Cry About Microsoft Vulnerability 8 min read - The operators of malware known as WannaCry/WanaCrypt0r 2.0 are believed to have caused the biggest ransomware attack ever recorded.
Malware May 11, 2017 GootKit Launches Redirection Attacks in the UK 4 min read - X-Force researchers discovered that the cybergang behind the GootKit banking Trojan recently began launching redirection attacks in the U.K.
Malware May 4, 2017 Neverquest Gang Takes Leave — Is It the End of the Quest? 5 min read - IBM X-Force researchers recently observed a massive drop in Neverquest malware campaigns. Is it the end of an era for this Trojan?
Malware April 27, 2017 TrickBot Is Hand-Picking Private Banks for Targets — With Redirection Attacks in Tow! 4 min read - According to IBM X-Force Research, the operators of the infamous TrickBot Trojan have been hand-picking private banks to target with redirection attacks.
Banking & Finance April 27, 2017 A Magnet for Cybercrime: Financial Services Sector 2 min read - According to the 2017 IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index, cybercriminals targeted the financial services sector more than any other industry in 2016.
Malware April 24, 2017 The Necurs Botnet: A Pandora’s Box of Malicious Spam 11 min read - Since its initial launch five years ago, the Necurs botnet has quickly ascended the cybercriminal ranks. Today, it controls more than 6 million endpoints.
Intelligence & Analytics April 19, 2017 Surfing the Tsunami of Threat Data With Cognitive Security 2 min read - Nowadays, most organizations' networks are under constant attack. Cognitive security is the key to locating IoCs within the tsunami of threat intelligence.