If you function like most IT organizations, you’ve spent the past few years relying on mobile device management (MDM), enterprise mobility management (EMM) and client management tools to get the most out of your enterprise endpoints while limiting the onset of threats you may encounter.

In peeling back the onion, you’ll find little difference between these conventional tools and strategies in comparison to those that chief information officers (CIOs) and chief information security officers (CISOs) have employed since the dawn of the modern computing era. Their use has simply become more:

  • Time consuming, with IT trudging through mountains of endpoint data;
  • Inefficient, with limited resources and limitless issues to sort through for opportunities and threats; and
  • Costly, with point solution investments required to address gaps in OS support across available tools.

Facing these circumstances, IT managers are stuck on a path of business upkeep instead of business transformation, too impeded to actualize the full potential of their endpoints and, ultimately, the workforce.

Watch the on-demand webinar: A Cognitive Approach to Unified Endpoint Management

Unified Endpoint Management Consolidation: A Step in the Right Direction

Investing in unified endpoint management (UEM) affords you the opportunity to put your expensive and ineffective multisolution dependencies behind you, all while maintaining protection and control over desktops, laptops, smartphones, tablets, ruggedized devices, wearables and the Internet of Things (IoT), plus apps, documents and data.

At a bare minimum, a UEM platform should support all major OS types, including Apple iOS, macOS, Google Android and Microsoft Windows, along with their latest software versions. The right UEM solution will also make it possible for you to seamlessly migrate from legacy PC platforms such as Windows 7 to more powerful, modern updates like Windows 10.

The centralized nature of UEM will certainly reduce the complexity you face day to day. But keep in mind that your environment is not getting any smaller or any less busy. You’re still tasked with making the most of a tumultuous endpoint environment and making sense of it.

While UEM is valuable, it is just another tool — a better tool, but a tool nonetheless. UEM needs something else to make it invaluable. So, moving forward, we challenge you to think differently and manage smarter.

Cognitive Insights Guide Business Transformation

When used in combination with cognitive insights and analytics, UEM delivers unprecedented capabilities, giving IT and security leaders the power to see what happened, what can happen and what should be done, all in the context of their environment. IBM MaaS360 with Watson provides IT leaders a trusted advisor that keys in on your day-to-day challenges, affording the time and efficiency required to transform your business with your endpoints.


Made possible by the UEM solution’s integration with Watson, MaaS360 Advisor delivers opportunities, risks and general information to help you make sense of the erratic endpoint behavior you encounter daily. Advisor sources insights from structured data, such as cloud-sourced content from MaaS360 customer environments, and unstructured data, such as information from the X-Force Exchange, giving administrators ample, relevant context to make their most important decisions. Each insight is tailored to your industry, company size and the construct of your environment, including your devices, their platforms and their most commonly used apps.

MaaS360 Advisor in Action

Imagine encountering a zero-day mobile malware threat with your current MDM or EMM solution. Lacking a proper heads-up from your platform, you’ll first need to randomly discover the threat. Then, you’ll need to conduct research. From there, you must size it up with your staff to determine how big of an impact the threat will or won’t have on your environment. After that, you’ll need to roll up your sleeves to determine how to remediate and, finally, implement the fix.

With Advisor, you can accomplish the same goal in just a few easy steps:

  1. First, it discovers the threat through its integration with X-Force Threat Intelligence.
  2. It then provides a risk exposure notification to IT, detailing the environmental impact (e.g., the number of endpoints affected).
  3. Lastly, it provides a detailed explanation and recommendations for remediating the threat.

Here are more examples of how MaaS360 with Watson can help you focus on strategy and key challenges instead of subjecting yourself to further strain:

Learn More at InterConnect

In the coming days and weeks, our experts will be showcasing MaaS360 with Watson UEM and its new cognitive capabilities. Don’t miss out! Watch our recent on-demand webinar, “A Cognitive Approach to Unified Endpoint Management,” to uncover the many ways that MaaS360 with Watson can help you transform your business.

This is just the beginning. As cognitive capabilities are added, MaaS360 with Watson builds greater knowledge and context for a smarter approach to securing and enabling endpoints, end users and everything in between. These capabilities create a valuable, trusted advisor and partner in the digital transformation of business.

Watch the on-demand webinar: A Cognitive Approach to Unified Endpoint Management

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