As the workforce becomes increasingly mobile, organizations must adapt their security strategies to account for the enlarged threat surface. While mobility undeniably helps organizations boost productivity, it also creates considerable weaknesses in the IT environment.

How can companies strike a balance between giving employees the 24/7 access they need to perform their jobs and protecting their networks from data thieves looking to exploit mobile vulnerabilities? The solution: A brand new approach to security that enables organizations and their employees to adapt to the constantly evolving mobile threat landscape.

Why You Need More Dynamic Mobile Security

With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, corporate networks are more open to the outside world than ever. While it’s certainly critical to establish and enforce an enterprise-wide security policy, this alone is not sufficient to counter the volume and variety of today’s mobile threats.

A unified endpoint management (UEM) solution should be a foundational piece of that digital strategy. Platforms that harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to protect smartphones, digital tablets, laptops, wearable technologies and other connected devices give organizations the visibility they need to secure their mobile environments.

To effectively monitor threats on mobile devices, security teams also need advanced insights into user activity to identify new attack schemes. Mobile threat protection technologies enable organizations to adopt an innovative, dynamic approach to security. In this new field of expertise, precision is the name of the game.

Today’s cutting-edge mobile threat protection solutions use AI engines to process massive volumes of intelligence and generate accurate insights to help analysts defend their mobile networks more efficiently. These systems operate on the philosophy that mobile management and protection are inextricably linked, allowing IT leaders to integrate device, app and content management with strong mobile security. With the ability to monitor for threats and automate compliance, security doesn’t have to come at the expense of the user experience.

Defining Your Mobile Threat Defense Strategy

It may seem like a no-brainer to implement a mobile threat protection solution, but defining the right criteria to move forward can be tricky. Ultimately, the goal is to protect enterprise data that is accessed via mobile devices as dynamically and efficiently as possible. As strange as it sounds, protecting against mobile malware is the easy part.

The challenge is determining the organization’s unique needs and tailoring the security policy to account for these quirks.

When considering an investment in mobile threat detection, security leaders should ask themselves:

  • What are the foundations of mobile threat defense?
  • Which existing security measures are falling short when it comes to countering mobile threats?
  • What value can the organization extract from a mobile threat detection solution?
  • What pitfalls should security teams aim to avoid?

Due to the various data privacy regulations, industry standards and cultural factors affecting each organization, flexibility and customizability are critical criteria when planning a mobile security strategy. The threat landscape is expanding as the workforce embraces mobility, and now is the time to invest in stronger, more dynamic solutions for protecting increasingly connected enterprise networks.

Watch the on-demand webinar: A Unified Solution to Manage and Secure Mobile Devices

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