Regardless of how large or small your organization may be, security is an executive priority. You need a plan to keep your company out of the news. The pressure is on, and faced with finite resources, you have to work as efficiently as possible. One effective approach you can take is to better organize your resources by establishing a security operations center (SOC).
The Three Big Questions
Security expert G. Mark Hardy, president of the National Security Corporation, suggested that there are at least three questions you should answer before you set up a security operations center. They are:
- Will management make a long-term commitment to support the SOC?
- Which systems and networks should you put under the legal purview of the SOC?
- What authority does the SOC have to take action in the event of a security incident?
Advice on how to address these questions is available in this informative webinar, hosted by Hardy. His presentation also includes expert guidance on how to establish a mission statement and build a staff for your security operations center in order to deliver value to your constituents.
Watch a preview of Hardy’s full webinar presentation in this short video:
While a SOC sounds like an expensive project that requires around-the-clock staffing, it doesn’t have to be. You can start with a small team and a foundational technology such as a security information and event management (SIEM) solution and further supplement it with outsourcing services for off-hours coverage.
Watch the full on-demand webinar to find out if you’re ready for a Security Operations Center