March 28, 2023 By Josh Nadeau 4 min read

As a business owner or manager, you must ensure your employees have the right tools and resources to do their jobs well — especially with more people working from home. And IT infrastructure is one of the most important considerations regarding remote work.

However, the truth is that most employees don’t think about their IT infrastructure until something goes wrong. In many cases, this can leave an employee stranded and unable to complete their tasks. In a worst-case scenario, this reactionary attitude can potentially put the company’s data at risk.

That’s why it’s important to remind your employees of the basics regarding their IT infrastructure and create protocols or policies to ensure that everyone’s security is up to date. This includes ensuring that employees’ routers are updated with the latest firmware and security settings, along with any other security measures needed to protect the company’s network.

Educating employees about their networking hardware

Updating router firmware is a great way for employees to ensure they have consistent, secure access to their work-from-home setup. Not only does it help provide a better performance, but it can also help mitigate potential security risks. When employees know how to apply the latest software and patches, they can keep their information safe and maintain their remote connections without relying on IT support.

Furthermore, many users don’t even consider updating WiFi routers because most other computer devices update themselves automatically. As such, this knowledge helps employees get the best connection possible no matter where they’re working from.

Remote IT for work-from-home employees: Benefits and limitations

Remote IT offers support and assistance to employees no matter where they are located. It eliminates the hassle of providing in-person help, allowing employers to provide faster, more reliable service. Additionally, it manages access control systems remotely so that only authorized personnel can access certain areas or data. Employers should also consider implementing tools such as vulnerability management and data breach detection software to protect their networks from potential threats.

However, some essential controls, such as physical security systems and firewalls, must still be managed on-premise. While this may limit certain capabilities of an organization’s remote IT infrastructure, employers should ensure that they have adequate measures in place to secure their networks from potential data breaches or other vulnerabilities. With the right setup and policies, employers and employees alike can reap the full benefits of an effective remote IT infrastructure without worrying about security issues.

The blurred lines between home and work technology (and tips on how to manage it)

As more and more employees work remotely, the lines between home technology and work technology have become increasingly blurred. How do employers ensure that their company’s data is secure while ensuring employees still have access to their personal devices? Here are a few tips on how to manage the overlap of home technology and work technology:

  1. Set up a comprehensive IT security system for both business and personal accounts. Make sure that users understand what information is confidential and what type of actions should not be taken from personal devices.
  2. Establish strict guidelines for remote access and monitoring of employee usage. This protects against potential threats such as viruses or malware from unsecured networks.
  3. Implement virtualization technologies that allow for using different operating systems on the same device. That way, employees can use their own devices while keeping company data safe.
  4. Consider investing in cloud-based solutions so vital company information is securely stored away from employees’ personal devices or networks.

With these tips, employers can ensure they maintain control of their business data while still providing an employee-friendly environment.

Best practices and policies to succeed in a hybrid work world

The hybrid workplace is here to stay, and with it come new challenges. How do you ensure your employees are productive while maintaining security and privacy? Here are some best practices and policies employers can implement to keep their organization secure while allowing remote work.

Encourage the use of password managers. Password managers can help employees keep their accounts secure and ensure that all passwords are unique and complex. Additionally, organizations should provide guidance to employees on setting up two-factor authentication systems. This adds an additional layer of security in case their passwords become compromised.

Require the use of VPNs for remote work. This protects against cyber threats, maintains IP address security and keeps confidential information out of the wrong hands. Setting up a VPN will also allow employers to monitor employee activity remotely, ensuring that all company policies are being followed and no malicious activities are taking place.

Conduct regular cybersecurity training. Regular cybersecurity training will help employees stay up-to-date with the latest threats and prevent any data breaches. Through this training, employees can learn about different types of phishing scams, warning signs of malware infection and other techniques attackers use to access confidential information.

Establish clear BYOD policies. Employers should clearly define what type of devices are allowed to access company networks and the steps that need to be taken to ensure security. Establishing these policies ahead of time will reduce potential confusion and guarantee that everyone within the organization is using approved devices when accessing sensitive information.

Enforce device encryption. Device encryption can help protect sensitive data stored on a device in case it falls into the wrong hands. Companies should make sure that any devices used by employees are properly encrypted with strong algorithms so as not to put their business data at risk if unauthorized users ever access these devices.

Finding the balance

Managing the overlap between home technology and work technology can be complex. To ensure that your organization remains secure while allowing remote work, it is important to implement best practices such as using password managers, VPNs for remote access, regular cybersecurity training sessions and clear BYOD policies. Additionally, use device encryption on any devices accessing company networks to protect sensitive data from potential threats or malicious activities. With these steps, you can create an environment where employees are productive and safe in this new hybrid workplace frontier.

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