How Former Bomb Disposal Expert and Lighting Designer Shaked Vax Pivoted Toward a Cybersecurity Career
4 min read - Shaked Vax dismantled bombs and created light shows for rock stars before starting his cybersecurity career. Now he's leading IBM Trusteer's move into frictionless identity management.
When It Comes to Cyber Risks, A Confident Board Isn’t Always a Good Thing
4 min read - While board directors have been concerned with cybersecurity for some time, we're now seeing reports that they are improving their understanding of cyber risks and how those risks can impact business.
The Road to Freedom: How a Strong Security Culture Can Enable Digital Transformation
3 min read - Cybersecurity, if regarded as a strategic business enabler rather than an obstacle, can become the path to a smoother, freer digital transformation. Rethinking your security culture is the first step.
The National Cyber Security Centre and IBM Security Join Forces to Improve Security Skills
2 min read - Organizations are struggling to hire enough people with the right security skills. Industry and government must work together to give more opportunities to potential cyber talent.
How John Clarke Shifted Gears From Driving Vans to Gamifying Incident Response
4 min read - Ten years ago, John Clarke was driving a van in Ireland for a living. Today, he develops games at IBM to help train security professionals on incident response and cyber situational awareness.
IBM Veteran Training: Service Members Shine in Cyber Crisis Management Training
3 min read - As the cybersecurity industry is challenged with a growing skills gap, IBM and CASY are offering cybersecurity training for veterans through the Veterans Accelerator program.