5G Technology Is Coming, But Is It Already Filled With Security Flaws?
3 min read - There is a lot to be excited about with 5G technology, but it will also open more doors for threat actors to get into networks, making it more difficult to effectively protect endpoints and data.
Massachusetts Amends Data Breach Law — What to Know for Your Incident Response Strategy
2 min read - This update can be seen as part of a wider trend in data privacy regulations where guidelines on breach reporting and incident response documentation are becoming more specific.
Preparing for the CCPA: Leverage GDPR Investments to Accelerate Readiness
5 min read - To prepare for the CCPA and other upcoming data privacy regulations, start by applying the best practices and frameworks you used to achieve GDPR readiness when the regulation took effect last May.
Organizations Continue to Fail at IoT Security, and the Consequences Are Growing
3 min read - As the internet of things (IoT) takes over the world, IoT security remains, well, pitiful. Organizations are failing to ensure that the networks and data generated by IoT devices remain protected.