September 16, 2019 By Douglas Bonderud 2 min read

A newly discovered remote-access Trojan (RAT) named InnifiRAT is skittering onto devices and covering its tracks in hopes of grabbing cryptowallet credentials.

According to security firm Zscaler, the new malware is coded in .NET and targets personal data on infected devices. InnfiRAT malware sinks its teeth into browser cookies to steal usernames and passwords and peers into user activities with screenshot functionality. This RAT’s top priority, however, is crypto-cheddar in the form of bitcoin and litecoin wallet data.

See One? You’ve Probably Got More

InnfiRAT slips into endpoints using familiar pathways, such as malicious email attachments and infected applications. As noted by ZDNet, once past digital defenses, the malware looks for evidence of RAT traps, such as sandbox environments. If found, the process terminates. If not, the Trojan copies and hides itself as %AppData%/NvidiaDriver.exe — a common, easily overlooked system process. It then writes a base64-encoded portable executable (PE) file in memory, scrapes basic system data and contacts the command-and-control (C&C) server for further instructions.

These instructions include termination of Chrome, Firefox and Opera processes along with antivirus program scans. The InnfiRAT malware also checks for both bitcoin and litecoin wallets and collects any .TXT files on the desktop less than 2,097,152 bytes, since these are often user-created files that contain sensitive personal or password data.

As Zscaler pointed out, InnfiRAT can be configured to spread across multiple machines on the same network, so if there’s evidence of one RAT, chances are it’s not alone.

Calling the Exterminator on InnfiRAT Malware

Beyond the obvious theft of cryptowallet data, how do organizations know if they’ve got a RAT problem? According to Zscaler, common indicators of compromise (IoCs) include:

  • MD5 hashing stringf992dd6dbe1e065dff73a20e3d7b1eef
  • Download URLrgho[.]st/download/6yghkhzgm/84986b88fe9d7e3caf5183e4342e713adf6c3040/df3049723db33889ac49202cb3a2f21ac1b82d5b/
  • Network URLtcp://62[.]210[.]142[.]219:17231/IVictim

While the easiest way to keep systems clean is consistent security hygiene — such as not opening unsolicited email attachments, only downloading approved apps and checking URLs to avoid spoofed websites that may include “drive-by” downloads — IBM experts also recommend the use of comprehensive cyberattack preparation and execution frameworks that help organizations understand potential risk points, identify emerging threat vectors and educate employees about popular social engineering schemes.

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